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In order to make the most of our class, it is important for you to have the following items everyday: pencil pen notebook paper a folder with prongs and 2 pockets (provided by teacher) composition book your ID badge *Some other helpful items for students to have: colored pencils, highlighters, colored pens, and cap erasers. *I have a classroom supply closet of items that you may use while in class so please dont worry about carrying more than you need to my class. *Please contact me if you need assistance with supplies. *We are a Chromebook classroom so you will not need your own technology. Please keep your devices safe and secure in a backpack. Our classroom notebook is partially digital through Canvas, Google Classroom, a composition book, and also your 3-prong folder. Reading, writing, speaking, thinking, and communication skills, will be monitored through writing portfolios (journals) and other various methods. We CAN meet our goals by working together! = MY EXPECTATIONS Knowing the classroom routine is essential to student success. By the time the bell rings, students should be in their seat, not talking to peers or me, and begin working on the posted Do Now or Creative Writing. During this time, the class should be quiet, even if the work is complete. The Do Now or Creative Writing prompt will be on the Clear Touch board and in Canvas. Students must begin working on the Do Now or Creative Writing immediately or follow any other directions on the board. The Do Now or Creative Writing prompt will be kept in your folder and composition notebook. After the bell work, we will continue class with discussions and/or another activity to reach our daily objective/goal. I encourage every student to participate in discussions at some point or another. The learning goal and days agenda is posted on the board daily. I expect every student to work diligently on each days assignment and to turn in all work on time. Students should be proactive and check the board for any home learning assignments. I will not always remind students to write down the home learning, however, all students are still responsible to look at the board and write down the assignment. CLASS EXPECTATIONS Every student deserves a safe and comfortable environment in which to learn. In order to guarantee this, the following procedures will be in place on a daily basis: Please, be prepared for, and on time to class. Please have all materials out and work on the bell work, once the tardy bell rings. Please keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments, to yourself. Please be respectful to classmates and classroom materials. Please do not eat or drink (other than bottled water) in the classroom (unless specified). Treat all teachers, members of the administration, security, visitors, and your peers with respect at all times. Obey CHS and CCPS rules and policies. Raise your hand to ask questions and/or contribute to a discussion. Please treat all technology with respect! NO CELL PHONE USE IN CLASS! Its the LAW! OWN your work and ideas! They are a reflection of you! Additionally, I expect all students to practice organization, self- control, self-motivation, and determination. Be a Learner, Be a Leader, Be a Tarpon! Course Description This class is structured around the curriculum of CCPS (Critical Concepts Edition), Floridas B.E.S.T. Language Arts Standards. The purpose of this course is to provide grade 9 students with an integrated language arts study in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. This is accomplished by using texts of high complexity, so that students demonstrate college and career readiness. This course is designed to push our students to be critical and analytical thinkers while developing sophisticated writing and speaking abilities. Course Objectives With hard work and determination, by the end of the year students will be able to: *Effectively recognize and communicate literary elements. *Develop formal and informal writing and speaking responses (argumentative and expository). *Read and write within the guidelines of the B.E.S.T Language Arts Standards, as well as the textbook & other resources. *Expand vocabulary and language skills. *Provide textual evidence to support written responses. Course of Study Students will be working from the textbook, as well as additional resources, complimenting the standards studied in English I. There will be other online resources used throughout the year, such as Google Classroom. This course is designed to be accessed in-person and digitally. Please utilize all facets of this course to ensure success. Grading and Homework All Grades will follow the CCPS Grading Policy. You will be responsible for keeping track of your grade. You can do so through FOCUS. Both students and parents have access. Your grade will be determined by the number of points you earn in a grading period. Each assignment will be worth a specific number of points based on its level of difficulty and the time required to complete the assignment. Your score is based on your successful completion of the task and your ability to follow directions. This includes: class activities, practice assignments, drafts, homework, quizzes, final writing assignments, projects, presentations, etc. Homework is assigned, as needed. If we do not finish classwork, it then becomes homework. Other homework assignments may be given, on occasion. Always do your own work. Cheating will not be tolerated. A zero will be given for any assignment that involves a student cheating. Plagiarism is another classroom offense that will not be tolerated. Please be sure to review the Student Code of Conduct for further consequences for cheating in our school district. Students: School is your job. I expect you to work to the best of your ability, do your homework, attend school regularly, always come prepared to class, and be kind and considerate to your classmates. There is no substitute for hard work-Thomas Edison ( If you are absent, please check my website and Canvas. You have two days for each day that you were absent to make up missed assignments. It is your responsibility to check these areas. Please see me before or after class with questions. My goal is to help you succeed. It is really important that you take ownership of your goal and advocate for yourself. I am always available through, email, in-person meetings, virtual meetings, REMIND, and phone calls. Please do not wait until you are struggling to ask for help. 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